See your ideas come to life with advanced post production techniques.
Create effective motion graphics and opens. Learn to use particle generators to create explosions and dust, lens flares to add style, and virtual cameras and expressions to add depth and realism. Plus, put the finishing touches on day-for-night footage, and create stunning slow motion from ordinary footage using powerful tools and third party plugins.
Faking Slow Motion (Free for Non-Members)
Discover how to use timewarp, Twixtor, and clip speed to get great slow motion from standard footage. Plus, take it to the extreme and learn ultra slow-motion techniques.
Build an Animated Open (Free for Non-Members)
We show you how to use After Effects to build a two dimensional graphic title, and then use camera movement and expressions to take it into the third dimension.
Dust and Flickering Light
Learn how to create dust and a flickering film projector light in Adobe After Effects using Trapcode Particular, optical flares, and simple wiggle expressions.
Create an Exploding Logo
Particle generators are a powerful tool for motion graphics. Learn to create an exploding logo in After Effects using Red Giant’s Trapcode Particular.
Using Loop Expressions
Streamline your animations with loop expressions in After Effects. Find out what loop expressions do, and how to use them properly to save time in the edit room.
Turn Day into Night
We take day-for-night footage and finish the look in post production using simple techniques, and show you how to fix unique issues you’re likely to encounter.