Why go live?
Your first task as a new livestreamer is to decide why you want to go live. Your goals for going live will inform your overall livestreaming strategy.
What to stream
If you’re just starting out on your journey into livestreaming, you may be wondering: What should I even stream? The fact is it can be anything.
How to choose a platform
The platform you use to livestream will depend mostly on your target audience. The type of stream you want to produce will also influence your choice in host platform, as will the expectations of any existing followers you might have.
How streaming works (Free to Non-Members)
The concept of livestreaming is simple. Video is broadcast over the internet in real-time to connect viewers all over the world. Going live is a unique way to connect with loyal viewers and fans.
Essential livestreaming gear (Free to Non-Members)
These days, anyone with access to a smartphone can connect with fans and friends from all over the world. However, the more complex your stream, the more gear you’ll likely need.
The crew behind a livestream
While you can certainly conduct a livestream all by yourself, the larger and more complex your streaming setup becomes, the more important it will be to have a crew helping out.
How to direct a livestream
Once you know what gear you’ll need and who is going to help you, it’s time to learn how to actually direct your stream. This is where you get to decide how your stream will look. When we watch the final program, everything looks smooth, but if you look inside the control room, you see the engine underneath the hood.
Going live, step by step (Free to Non-Members)
When producing a video, it’s essential to plan and prepare adequately so that your shoot goes off without a hitch. But how does your typical production compare to hosting a livestream? In this video, we will explore how you can conduct a successful livestream on your own with a few simple tools.