A wedding in a church
Wedding video is back! Only this time, the production value is much higher. In the past, wedding videos were simply a camera on a tripod at the back of the venue. Today’s wedding videos are called “trailers” and look very much like the movie trailers they’re named for. With...
Shotgun microphones are great. They’re portable, directional and easy to use in a variety of situations. But sometimes, it’s not the best—or only—option. If you don’t have a shotgun mic at your disposal or just prefer not to use one, it’s a good idea to explore the alternatives.
A man wearing a microphone and holding a mobile phone with an audio software program in the interface.
Smartphones and tablets didn’t matter to the masses until just a few years ago, and now they’re everywhere. Mobile devices have become our go-to choice for obvious reasons. A small, portable, connected gadget is pretty handy for a media producer on the move. And now - with some adapters...
While all microphones essentially pick up the same audio, they don’t all pick up audio the same way. There are a few different microphone pickup patterns. When it comes to audio for video, it is essential to know what your needs are when it comes to buying a mic.  To the...
Choosing and using the right mic for the job is an important step in any video project, and understanding a microphone’s directional characteristics is one determining factor. In this segment, we talk about a microphone’s directional response and sensitivity, how to interpret a polar response chart, and we listen...
While the first 100 or so years were spent trying to reduce or eliminate noise introduced by the recording medium (tape, movie film, phonograph disc, etc.) with the arrival of digital recording, we came to a point where we could focus on reducing or eliminating noise that was actually...
So you've got the camera set up, your talent is miked up perfectly, and the shot looks stunning. Your audio guy (or perhaps you if you've got a small crew) slips on the headphones, and that's when he hears it. The windstorm that seems to be blowing a hurricane...
Getting proper mic levels is essential to capturing good audio.  These simple tips will help make sure your audio sounds as pristine as possible.
Scouting for audio
Here’s the scenario: You recently replied to an audio gig posted on craigslist. It’s set to shoot next Tuesday and the producers just hired you. In your email information packet, they list three locations and the addresses. One is indoors, one is an urban downtown setting and the last...
It can be a distraction for knowing what you need versus what a large production company with unlimited resources might need. So this list will give you a nice lean collection of the minimums to capture professional quality sound for your projects. Note: This assumes that you are aware...