Editing 101
"Leave it on the cutting room floor" is an old film phrase signifying to edit out stuff you don't need. It's a good reminder to cut down your piece for a tighter final project. There are two people on Earth who want to watch all the raw footage of that...
MPEG-2 Encoding Tips for DVD Authors
MPEG-2 Encoding Tips for DVD Authors When the Moving Picture Experts Group came up with the MPEG-2 standard in 1994, they may not have realized how much the new codec would change the world. If you're dealing with DVD, HDV, digital satellite TV or off-air digital television, you're dealing with...
Wipers au Naturel
Our media-soaked culture has made cinematic shorthand a second language. Although the average viewer may not be able to describe the technical difference between a dissolve and a jump-cut, he sure as heck knows what they look like -- and more importantly, how they impact the story. Through exposure to...
In our News & Technology segment, forget the paid political commercials, YouTube has pols in their real element, uncut and uncensored. Derek and Mark will tell you about that as well as the latest news on the AMD and ATI merger... they'll also have some more news from Adobe...
Editing Hollywood movies your way
Have you ever wanted to edit out a scene from your favorite movie, either because you think a scene in one movie is too scary, violent or sexually graphic for the kids, or a long played-out scene from another is just too boring? Now you can. Cuts is a...
Becoming a Professional Video Editor
Part 1: Growth, your tools and your space. Step 1: Clean up your act! If a video editor's desk is a home-office catch-all, the video editor is not using space or time efficiently. Everyone wants to "edit like a pro." But what does that really mean? Beginning this month...
To Page Curl or to Cut?
Every week I have to leave my studio and go to the local grocery store to re-stock my client refrigerator with cold soft drinks. Every week I'd buy the same variety of products. Predictable. Routine. A no-brainer. Then one day I heard about a store--farther away--somewhat harder to reach,...
Five Steps to Smoother Skin
Make your on-camera talent look their best by following these five simple steps. 1. Mr. Make-Up? It's true. When it comes to looking good on camera, makeup is not just for women anymore. Video producers often overlook this critical first step for several reasons. Perhaps they don't want to infer their...
Q: Hi, I was wondering if you could answer a question for me. I know how to load both digital or film still photos into my timeline and use the cool "Ken Burns" effect to make them more visually stimulating in my video, but what if I want to...
The Kindest Cut of All
In the beginning, there was the cut. The usual editing conventions dictate that most of your transitions should be cuts. Let's step away from the transitions palette for a while. The very first person to ever edit any kind of moving picture undoubtedly started by simply removing something they didn't...