OK, you've decided to step up to better picture quality. You are the proud owner of a new high-quality camcorder or VCR, perhaps Hi8 or S-VHS. You've opened the box and inside are a number of little plastic bags holding all kinds of cables and accessories. Sure, you had...
Hold on, folks. Another "home movie" format is heading our way. The much-ballyhooed Digital Video Disc (DVD) is on the verge of entering the marketplace. Are you gonna be ready? A small cousin to the 12-inch disc currently available, DVDs are identical in size (5-inch diameter) to audio compact discs....
Your video masterpiece is complete. You shot and edited it on a high-band format such as Hi8 or S-VHS. You cut no corners when you made this one; you did everything by the numbers. All along in the back of your mind was the desire to win an award...
If you've spent any time looking at editing systems, you may have come across terms like serial data transfer, Control-L, Control-M and ViSCA. They sound more like things you'd expect from an episode of Star Trek than features of editing systems. What are these cryptic terms, you ask? They're names...
Slowly, you remove the first raw footage tape from its case. You ever-so-gently slide it into the VCR. Touching "play" on the remote, you settle back to view what will become your first professionally produced masterpiece. Wait a minute. What's with the band of snow running horizontally across the...
Wireless Wonder Every video pro was once a beginner, and one of the first things beginners learn as their interest begins to grow is that there are few products available to support them at their level. Editing VCRs are at the top of the price range, as are camcorders with...
More and more these days, consumer videomakers are doing more than just shooting footage--they're editing. But when it comes time to purchase the gear to do this, they find themselves in a bewildering maze of acronyms and hyphens: LANC, Control-M, RS-422, VISCA. "What's an editing protocol?" you ask the dealer,...
After months of film-to-video transfers, junior high school play recording and dog show documentation, you finally have a chance to do your own thing. Monsters Among Us--that's the title of your planned epic, and you're confident that your knowledge of scriptwriting, camerawork, directing and editing will get you that...
Admit it. You've been drooling over those sexy computer video ads, the ones that claim to make your PC do everything but hold the camera. The only problem is that most of the ads contain enough digital techno- babble to make your brain short-circuit. Just what does it take to...
These days, you either own a computer or you don't. And within the group of people who own computers, there are more subgroups. One group could tie ropes to their computers and use them as expensive boat anchors for all the good they do. Another group might use the contraption to play...