Andrew and Mark have some easy-to-do tips on deceptive shooting... just in time for April Fool's day.
The Art of Making a Music Video
If there was ever an empty slate in the field of video production, it is making a music video. In the last 25 years, the invigorating art form of making a music video has grown to be one of the most influential and individually stylistic modes of production in the...
ennifer, Mark and Andrew demonstrating different shot types and showing you how to use them effectively in your video.
Jennifer and John showing you realistic ways to fake a fall.. and some of the props and skills you'll need to pull them off.
Jennifer and John go out on location to experiment with making a sunny day look rainy, a studio look like a fire-lit setting, and creating some "camera shake" moves that are more realistic than 1960's era Sci-Fi TV shows.
Composition 101: Part 1
What makes great art great? Composition. In this first of two parts, we'll reveal some of the secret tricks of composition that the Masters use. Ask a lot of people what makes good art, and they'll all have a different opinion from an artist's use of color and paint to...
Picture This
A basic understanding of the rules of composition will help you frame for maximum impact and ultimately enhance the outcome of your finished piece. One of the best films of the 1990s, in this author's opinion, was a modestly trendy action feature called Lon (known in the USA as The...
News and Technology - Morgan & Andrew New York Times Internet video blog Warner Bros., Google, AOL all doing Internet video ShopWiki paying for video reviews of product BitTorrent sponsoring distribution for Duke City Shootout festival CineGear in LA with Charlie edible camera Memorex Blank Blu-ray media + state of Blu-ray burners Product Prop: Memorex: "Gold Archiving...
A Complete Guide to Shooting Wedding Video
It's not just the newlyweds making wedding promises. Before you say "I do," plan your video shoot following some tried and true tips that won't have you filing for an annulment the day after. Wedding videographers are a bit like magicians: there's an unwritten code that we should not...
How DID They do that?
On April Fool's Day or any time to be silly, what better way to amuse your friends than getting a little giddy with the camera and going a little wacko with your video? To help you get in touch with that inner prankster, let's break down some of those...