Orson Welles often had great ideas for movies and then spent years going from studio to studio in Hollywood trying to get someone interested, trying to raise money, and trying to get a script. When you’re dealing with huge amounts of cash in moviemaking, there is no single point...
In a nutshell
Slow motion is achieved when you shoot footage at a higher frame rate and play it back at a normal frame rateAt 60 fps, you slow down an actor’s walk, while at 240 fps, you capture things too fast for the human eyeMost prosumer cameras will at...
One of the great things that timelapse video can do is show us our world in a way that’s impossible or very difficult for humans to see otherwise — things seen very closely, through a microscope, or from very far, from a drone or a helicopter, or in intense...
Early in my video career, I wanted to make a film to enter into a local short film festival. Just one problem: none of my friends or family were available to help me. We all know that filmmaking requires a whole team of collaborators, right? How could I create...
Testing OriginsPrimarily shot with drones, the production of Claudio Miranda's breathtaking music video of his daughter’s Sofia's violin duet would span almost two years. Miranda jokes that he uses his children for all his camera tests, which makes for some great home videos.“I've used F55s, F65s, cranes … because...
YouTube creator and filmmaker Griffin Hammond has a new video out and he’s helping a beginner by critiquing his video and letting him know what he did right and what he could improve on. Nick Bodmer, a burgeoning YouTube content creator with about 39 subscribers, has published his first tutorial...
Every 10 seconds, 4 jars of Nutella are sold and 4,180 Kit-Kat bars are eaten. Aside from chocolate consumption, 10 seconds is also the average amount of time it takes for a YouTube viewer, after clicking a video, to decide whether or not they want to watch the rest....
When I first saw the movie in the summer of 1975 I thought it was, in fact, a movie about a shark. But over the years I’ve come to realize that it’s not a movie about a shark. You can replace the shark with anything — drug dealers, werewolves,...
When most people hear about action videos they think of extreme sports videos showing people doing really crazy stunts in some of the most beautiful parts of the world, but one thing that identifies an action video is the style in which it’s filmed — usually through the use...
The action camera market segment, popularized by GoPro, has made point of view (POV) filmmaking accessible to the masses. There’s something compelling about watching filmmakers share their adrenaline rush with an audience. An action camera’s stunning image quality and ability to mount to just about anything that moves makes...