News and Technology
New Canon camcorders
New Kata bags
Newspapers with camcorders
Sonic Toast 7 adds BD support
AMD buys ATI $5.4b
RFID chip video
Cinescore announces two new volume sets for music creation: $90.00 each. Wedding & Soundscapes
Prop: Hot Cakes: New volume for its video collection
Tips and Techniques
Must-Have Custom grip kit
Motherboard's Failsafe Settings option
News and Technology
JVC HDV camcorder
Blender Open Source
Inteli Disc
Intel core 2 duo
Tips and Techniques - Jennifer & Charlie
TIP: Do Not Eat Silica - jo
TIP: Seperating nuts & bolts when working on computer/gear - cf
Video Profile - with: Jennifer & Brian
Take 20
Submission: A Bed Time Story
Producer: Chris Boland, Cincinnati, OH
News and Technology - Morgan & Andrew
Seagate: new drive technology
BenQ's Blu-ray burner
Apple completely ditches CRTs—no more eMac
Prop: Grass Valley Rev Pro video drive
Withoutabox: online distro option
Rocketboom: popular podcast looses it's face
Short Survey
Tips and Techniques - Brian & Andrew
TIP: Cleaning camera lens
TIP: Using filters Part 1: hard filters
Take 20 -...
Tips and Techniques
Jennifer: Traveling with your camcorder. Airport security
Brian: Using and identifying mics
Reader question #1: Tell me more about Vidcasting
Reader question #2: How do I submit "Take 20" videos for critique?
Tips and LETTERS -
* Reader question: BP: "Why can't I load the Vidcast?"
* TIP: JO - Beanbag cam & clothes pins
* TIP: BP - Wide angle & macro
* BP - Survey
"Sweet barking cheese!" I said, "this is the filthiest camcorder I've ever seen!" Jennifer may have been a hotshot producer with six Emmys, but she didn't take care of her equipment."Hey, it's a tool," she replied, "it's not a countertop."There were fingerprints all over the lens, dust encrusted in...
The first step on the path from amateur to professional is to put the camera down! Weekend warriors use camera supports only when forced to, whereas the pros are exactly the opposite, going hand-held only when no better camera support will work. The reason is that old devil frame:...
Batteries are an essential piece of the camcorder technology puzzle. Without important developments in delivering portable electric power in a small package, we’d never have the small, portable camcorders we’ve come to take for granted today.
For the most part, camcorder batteries are very simple to use and maintain. All...