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Photo Of a Sony ALPHA 7 camera and a Canon 5D MarkIII
There is a great debate as to which type of camera is better for shooting video. Let's take a look at the differences between mirrorless and DSLRs, as well as some of the other significant factors in how these cameras perform. Size MattersOne of the major differences between mirrorless and...
Photo of a collection of various tripods
Consider this scenario. A proud parent stands on a chair in the back of the school auditorium. At full zoom, he valiantly tries to capture a 45-minute dance recital. As fatigue spreads to fingers, hand, arm and shoulder the video starts looking like San Francisco earthquake footage — not...
Picture of a series of different era camcorders
Think back, long before the dawn of smartphones with cameras, DSLRs, point-and-shoots and mirrorless cameras, and remember a time when affordable home video production had but one option: the noble camcorder. These days, lots of devices can shoot video, but unlike the aforementioned options, a camcorder is one device...
With makers such as Canon, Zeiss, Schneider, Rokinon, Leica and Tokina offering so many choices, it can be tough to narrow down your options by more than just price. By considering focal length, aperture, sharpness and other differences in lenses, you can get a better idea of how those...
Photo of a collection of lenses.
Using a long lens and using a short lens convey two completely different emotions. Once you understand what emotions each lens gives off, you will be better prepared and more confident in which lens to use and under what circumstance. I’ve learned a lot of these techniques from my...
Photo of the Panasonic Lumix FZ1000K
There is little doubt that the dawn of 4k video is now upon the industry. Camera manufacturer’s and post-production workflows are now going through the growing pains of introducing a higher resolution, much like the transition from standard definition video to high definition. One certainty the consumer can count...
POV shot of a man floating in a kayak
TAKE TWO:Sunlight, Camera, Action!Action cameras – or cams - are everywhere. They have gone skydiving from space, driven endless laps around motocross tracks, and been dragged, dropped, tossed and stuck to just about anything with a flat surface. Hit up GoPro.com, the Replay XD website, or hop on over...
Shot of a smartphone attached to a suction-cup stabilizer on a car
GoPro burst onto the scene with a very basic, high-definition, low cost, lightweight, extremely portable and rugged camera in a waterproof case whose most enticing feature was how easy it was to connect to things. These cameras allowed people to get camera angles heretofore unheard of. Surfers attached them...
Cose-up of 50mm lens
So you started doing weddings and business is taking off. Your old clients have referred you to all their friends and money is starting to flow in. Now you’ve decided to step away from your kit lenses and old tripod in exchange for supports and lenses that will take...