Fair Use. Copyright. Public Domain. All of these terms are related to each other, yet they all have different meaning that confuses even the most well-informed people.Any original content is protected under copyright law. Original content means: a drawing, a photograph, a video file, the lyrics to a song...
The Internet is merely a medium for distributing content; like newspapers, magazines, books, films, radio, television, satellite broadcasts, and DVDs. The difference, of course, is that the Internet has the potential to reach hundreds of millions of viewers immediately and simultaneously. When it comes to the Copyright Act, though,...
With the abundance of mobile devices available with cameras, you can be anywhere at any time and capture an image or a video that could be incriminating evidence. It is important to know your rights when it comes to recording and photographing in public places. But what are your...
You can't use popular songs or any copyrighted music for your videos online. It's illegal. Yet, finding royalty-free music beds for your YouTube videos is a difficult task. It needs to be something that suits the video you’re making and it needs to be legal to use. If you...
What is a Drone?Strictly speaking, "drone" used to be defined as an autonomous aircraft. Now, the word is used as slang for anything without a human pilot on board. This can include anything from your local hobby store’s cheapest radio-controlled aircraft to a Predator or Global Hawk. What the...
When most viewers watch a film with over-the-top movie stunts or an extreme video on YouTube, they might "ooh" or "aah" at the stunts or dangerous activities but their involvement usually ends there. Some daredevils, however, treat such videos as invitations to copy or re-create. Their activities may lead...
Simplicity is often elusive when it comes to legal matters, so it should be no surprise that the answers to questions related to recording video and audio in public places contain few pat answers other than "it's complicated." Indeed, that is because laws, regulations and rules in these matters...
According to Wikipedia, "The Truman Show delusion is a type of persecutory/grandiose delusion in which patients believe their lives are staged plays or reality television shows." The disorder was named after a motion picture staring Jim Carrey in which all the people in the his life have been paid...
Each year is a better year for online video producers like us. Why? Just look at the stats: each of us added 480 minutes of viewership last year, according to comScore, Inc, a site that follows and measure digital trends. But with ever-increasing viewership comes the potential for unwanted...
Content creators have to step lightly in the minefield that is copyright law, but there are safer paths.
You just finished a video and want to upload it to YouTube. Nothing important or commercial, just your kids playing at the park. But, being a media creator, you had to dress...