Is Digital Distribution Useless?
The recent South by Southwest Interactive Festival in Austin, TX saw quite the gathering of filmmakers discuss the contentious issue of making money by way of digital distribution. Although the common belief is that DVDs will be obsolete sooner rather than later and that online video sharing sites are...
Taking It to the Screen
Getting your hard work shown on a big screen is a dream of many video producers, but it really can be done. The name of the technique in question: four-walling. The other day I got an e-mail from a long-ago film student of mine. It was an invitation to...
Marketing & Distributing Your Video Part 2 - Finding Buyers & Making Money
With more opportunities than ever for videos to achieve true distribution, independent producers are able to find audiences and revenues for their projects that were not available as recently as a year ago. The Internet has provided the biggest boon to video sellers, offering viewers and buyers online sales and...
In our Tips & Tricks segment, Jennifer interviews documentary filmmakers Andrew Burke and Morgan Paar about how to get a show onto Current TV.
In this week's "Take 20", Mark and Charlie discuss Camp Cadets by Jonathan Harchick, a well-produced video for drumming up donations for the volunteer-driven Allegheny County (Pennsylvania) Camp Cadet program.
In this week's "Take 20", we take a look back at "Bejing Golf Classic" our 2nd place winner from last's year's short video contest as we get our 2006 winners ready to show.
In our News & Technology segment with Mark and Derek... we'll show you how Dell manufacturer is helping users return notebooks that are equipped with batteries by Sony that may catch on fire or explode. We'll also talk about some new terabyte drives and a 60% growth of H-D-T-V...
Producing a Demo Video
I can jump out of a speeding car, do a triple-twisted flip through the air and then land safely on my feet. What does this outlandish claim have to do with making a great video demo reel? More than you might think. Whether you're a hobbyist or a working...