Festivals do three things for aspiring filmmakers: deliver audiences, connect you to the marketplace and provide learning opportunities for improving your craft. We at Videomaker love film festivals and try to support the ones we find the most worthy by passing out copies of Videomaker to attendees and/or providing...
Photo of computer server with lights and cables.
100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Of that 100 hours, there will surely be scads of cat videos, some poorly shot ice bucket challenges, an embarrassing moment or two, some awesome AND terrible video blogs and pretty much anything else imaginable.So with all of this...
Film festivals can be a great way to get your film more exposure.
There isn't a one-size-fits-all festival plan, so we'll look at the different elements to consider when creating a festival strategy for your film. Evaluating Your Film Festival Goals Is there a story you just need to tell or share? Or a cause that you're passionate about that would make a great...
Adobe surveyed 1048 creative professionals
Adobe is hosting an event later this week to reveal what’s next in Adobe Creative Cloud. Where Adobe is headed just might be shaped by what creative professionals are doing now. Adobe released a report titled “The New Creatives Report” detailing what creative professionals find themselves doing, their work...
Spiral graphic illustrating many different video viewing opportunities, TV, computer, mobile phone, etc.
We’ve all heard the saying, “If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?” Much the same way, if a video is produced but isn’t delivered to its intended audience, does it gain views? Without a proper video distribution network in place, video producers are leaving...
Shot of a man and woman looking at a wedding scene on a smartphone.
Technology has long played a part in business - think of the industrial revolution as the obvious example of man-made thought turned into business opportunities. In the drive to increase revenue, event videographers embraced the business model of the sale of video cassettes when they came onto the scene...
There was a time — just after dinosaurs roamed — that broadcast TV was the only way to distribute video. Back then, only big-moneyed productions found their way to an audience. Fast forward to 2013. Now almost anyone with a mobile phone can be the next Fellini. Once you...
movie director carries production gear
 Directors in Hollywood film production, are rarely young. Directors of a given YouTube video are less likely to be older than 35. These two generalizations are quite incorrect, now, more than ever.Those that are immersed in media - including TV stations, newspapers, radio stations, film studios, music studios, book...
Starting a Production Company: What You Need to Know
Starting a production company, whether video editing or full video production, is not for the weak or faint of heart. You'll need to do research first... lots of it. Then you'll have to take into consideration things like: How knowledgeable are you about production? How will running a company...
How to Make a Documentary: Part 4 - Distribution
Part One: Story Development Part Two: Funding, Financing and Budgeting Part Three: Shooting and Editing Distribution is something that you should have been thinking about since pre-production; not only thinking about but including in your planning and budgeting. Every filmmaker should know from the beginning what is most important to them in...